Arts on the River Celebration

Arts on the River Celebration
Sunday, April 29 from Noon – 4 PM
Sandy Creek Park, Lake Chapman Beach

Join us for a community celebration of visual and performance art to honor the North Oconee River and its right to thrive and be healthy. This event is a one-day art exhibition with dance, spoken word, and music unfolding on the river and its banks. Visitors will kayak in the water and experience the art. Registration for kayaks at 1 PM (limited availability). This project is made possible by the support of the Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities (a2ru), Ideas for Creative Exploration, Watershed UGA, and the Willson Center for Humanities and Arts at the University of Georgia. Free and family friendly.

Linds&co. Image: Iva Dimitrova
Olivia Shuler Image: Rinne Allen
Kayaking through Sound Image: Rinne Allen
Jorge Gomez Abrante Image: Rinne Allen
Paula Runyon Image: Rinne Allen
Image: Rinne Allen
Berea Antaki and Carla Cao Image: Rinne Allen