Willson Center for Humanities and Arts

The Willson Center is an administrative partner of the UGA Arts Collaborative and a liaison to the Office of Research and UGA Arts Council. The mission of the Willson Center is to promote research, practice, and creativity in the humanities and arts. It supports faculty and students through research grants, lectures, symposia, publications, visiting scholars, visiting artists, collaborative instruction, public conferences, exhibitions, and performances. It is committed to academic excellence and public impact. 

Graduate School

The Graduate School supports the Graduate Assistantships in Interdisciplinary Arts Research program. Recipients of these competitive, merit-based assistantships work in a cohort of graduate students with the Arts Collaborative. The Graduate School coordinates the graduate programs of all schools and colleges at the University of Georgia.

Franklin College of Arts and Sciences

Franklin College of Arts and Sciences supports the Arts Collaborative administration and space infrastructure. The heart of UGA’s liberal arts learning environment, the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences provides instruction in every classical discipline and all branches of empirical inquiry. Critical thinking skills, from languages and literature to biological sciences, build the foundation for every profession as they empower students to be informed, engaged citizens.

Arts Collaborative Student Organization

The Arts Collaborative student organization is registered with the Student Affairs department of Engagement, Leadership, and Service. It is a network of graduate and undergraduate students interested in interdisciplinary arts collaboration.

Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities (a2ru)

The Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities (a2ru) advances the full range of arts-integrative research, curricula, programs, and creative practice to acknowledge, articulate, and expand the vital role of higher education in our global society.

The Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities (a2ru) is a partnership of institutions committed to transforming research universities to ensure the greatest possible institutional support for arts-integrative research, curricula, programs, and creative practice between the arts, sciences, and other disciplines. It is committed to supporting the growing body of excellent scholarly and creative production most attainable when disciplines are supported to experiment within and across boundaries.

As an a2ru member institution, UGA students, faculty, and staff are eligible for full access to resources on the a2ru.org website, discounted or free registration for events, participation in working groups, and voting.

Research Archive:

Ground Works Journal

a2ru Newsletter

Funding and Job Opportunities

Working Groups