The Air Purifying Plants Proliferation Project (A4P), recipient of a Sustainability + Arts Grant from ICE and the Office of Sustainability presents Preservationist, an exhibition and roundtable discussion investigating the rapid advancement of green practices in the contemporary art studio. The group will collaborate with Alberta, Canada-based printmaker, Sean Caulfield and Minnesota-based sculptor David Hamlow to present an interactive exhibition or “trade show” that focuses on sustainability as a catalyst for dialogue about studio ecology and the environmental ethics of art-making. The exhibition will be accompanied by a series of round table discussions, project presentation, and specific technical demonstrations throughout the run of the show.
Friday, January 29 to Thursday, February 25
Lamar Dodd School of Art Suite Gallery
Round Table Discussion Followed by a Southern Brewing Company Beer Tasting
Wednesday, February 17 from 3 – 5 PM
Lamar Dodd School of Art Suite Gallery