Daylighting the Watersheds Design Competition

Daylighting the Watersheds UGA Design Competition
Deadline: October 14
Two $1,000 prizes

Download application:

Student teams are invited to participate in the Daylighting the Watersheds design competition to raise awareness about streams that flow through the UGA campus and to support the mission of Watershed UGA by creating a community ethic for the restoration of campus streams. Two projects will be selected to receive prizes of $1,000 each.

Each proposal should feature designs for a project to be installed in one of the following locations:

Tanyard Creek Watershed Site adjacent to Tate Center and Bolton Dining Commons near the intersection of Baxter Street and S. Lumpkin Street

Lilly Branch Watershed Site adjacent to Joe Frank Harris Commons and the Lamar Dodd School of Art near Carlton Street and River Road

Selection criteria:

Merit project raises awareness about campus watersheds

Innovation project features new ideas

Feasibility proposal materials consider costs, sustainability, and campus standards

Collaboration proposal materials reflect teamwork and interdisciplinary activity

Presentation proposal materials communicate effectively

Each project team must include at least two UGA students. Watershed UGA encourages teams with participants from more than one discipline or academic department, including students, faculty, staff, and members of the community. Multiple applications are permitted.

Since the founding of UGA in 1785, many natural features of campus watersheds have been steadily altered and relegated to obscurity. Tanyard Creek and Lilly Branch, both tributaries of the North Oconee River, are the most prominent streams that run through campus. Daylighting the Watersheds offers an opportunity to explore the history and significance of two streams that were once part of the daily lives of students, but now lack visibility and recreational benefit.

Watershed UGA facilitates the use of our campus as a living laboratory to advance sustainability and environmental stewardship through teaching, research, service, and university operations. The Daylighting the Watersheds design competition is generously supported by a grant from the Ray C. Anderson Foundation.
