
On Friday, November 15th at 12:00 PM Ela Lambin and Leah Mann of Lelavision will visit ICE for an informal roundtable discussion. All are welcome.

Lelavision combines modern and aerial dance, music, theater, and large interactive musical sculptures to create innovative works of awe and whimsy. Ela’s musical instrument/sculptures represent a harmony of sound, form, and movement meant not solely to be looked at and walked around but to be sounded and intimately experimented with. Leah’s work is eclectic in form, pulling from many ethnic and technical genres but always centered in the exploration of dance as sacred and enhanced by the use of props, large visual elements ( bungee cords, scaffolding, sets, sculpture, trapeze, etc.) and alternative spaces to convey her themes and to push the boundaries of the perspective.

Lelavision will be in residence with the Department of Dance and will perform Banging Bamboozles at the New Dance Theater from November 14- 16.