Futures of the Book Symposium

Futures of the Book Symposium
Saturday, April 27 from 9 AM – 5 PM
Russell Special Collections Library


This interdisciplinary seminar aims to explore the nature of the book in all its forms, across time and space. The event will pose fundamental questions regarding the nature of books, how cultural attitudes toward books and bookmaking have changed, and digital media’s recuperation or killing of print media. The seminar will also investigate and analyze the various media that contribute to the production of books such as ink, e-ink, paper, screen, manuscript, print, pixels, binding, and book arts, as well as the production processes themselves.

Featured speaker Brian Croxall, an Emory University English professor whose research explores representations of technology within fiction and philosophy, will deliver a talk titled “Harder Better Faster Stronger: Books from the Future.” His work in the digital humanities uses geospatial tools to plot literary events and he writes about integrating digital tools with his teaching in journals such as “Writing and Pedagogy” and the Chronicle of Higher Education’s blog, “ProfHacker.” He co-edited an issue of “Neo-Victorian Studies” on the subject of steampunk and is a cluster editor for the #alt-academy project.

The symposium will also include a workshop on futurist books led by Jed Rasula, Helen S. Lanier Distinguished Professor of English at UGA; a UGA faculty panel featuring Eileen Wallace, Mark Callahan, Elizabeth Davis, and Christopher Eaket; and an exhibition curated by doctoral students in English.

The event is sponsored by the Willson Center for Humanities and Arts, Ideas for Creative Exploration (ICE), the Department of English, the Department of Theatre and Film Studies, and the University of Georgia Libraries. Free and open to the public.

Schedule of Events

9 – 11 AM Curation and Creation
Eileen Wallace (Lamar Dodd School of Art), Elizabeth Davis (English), Mark Callahan (Ideas for Creative Exploration), Christopher Eaket (Theatre and Film Studies / English). Chair: Toby Graham (Special Collections, UGA)

11 – 11:15 Coffee break (provided)

11:15 – 12:30 Plenary talk: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger: The Book of the Future
Brian Croxall (Emory University)

12:30 – 2:30 Lunch break

2:30 – 3:00 Graduate-curated exhibition presentation in the gallery, 2nd floor

3:00 – 3:15 Coffee break (provided)

3:15 – 5 Futurist Books workshop, led by Jed Rasula, Helen S. Lanier Distinguished Professor of English