ICE-Vision: Martin (George Romero, 1977)
Thursday, March 10 at 8 PM
Lamar Dodd School of Art Room S150
Film Studies major Will Stephenson continues ICE’s informal weekly series, selecting a variety of world cinema classics and subcultural curiosities.
“Set in a Pittsburgh suburb economically devastated by the recession of the ’70s – and psychically devastated by the decade in general – Martin concerns a young man (John Amplas) who believes himself a vampire, a conviction the film takes steps never to confirm or deny. Though he needs the help of razorblades, needles, and other man-made accoutrements, Amplas finds ways to live as a vampire in modern society, arousing the suspicion of a deeply religious uncle (Lincoln Maazel) and achieving local celebrity as a caller to a radio talk show. A sort of Dracula filtered through Taxi Driver (which was filmed the same year), Martin touches on any number of post-Vietnam ills (urban decay, drug addiction, crises in faith) without overstatement, allowing for a deeply considered exploration of horror’s ability to comment on society.” -The A.V. Club