ICE-Vision: Possession

ICE-Vision: Possession (Andrzej Zulawski, 1981)
Thursday, November 10 at 8 PM
Lamar Dodd School of Art Room S150

Film Studies major Will Stephenson continues ICE’s informal weekly series, selecting a variety of world cinema classics and subcultural curiosities.

“Possession starts on a hysterical note, stays there and surpasses it as the film progresses. There are excesses on all fronts: in supposedly ordinary married life and then occult happenings, intricate political skulduggery with the infamous Berlin Wall as background – they all abound in this horror-cum-political-cum-psychological tale…The film’s mass of symbols and unbridled, brilliant directing meld this disparate tale into a film that could get a cult following.” -Variety

“When faced with Hollywood’s unceasing parade of romantic films that sport their saccharine happy endings like labels for Calvin Klein’s ready-to-wear range, it is, to say the least, refreshing to find a film that views romantic love as a form of apocalypse….Whether one likes looking into Zulawski’s imploding crystal ball or not, one has to admire his courage for consistently beating his own cinematic drum.” -Senses of Cinema