ICE-Vision: Postal (Uwe Boll, 2007)
Wednesday, January 23 at 8 PM
Lamar Dodd School of Art Room S150
ICE-Vision continues with Film Studies major Daniel LoPilato’s weekly selections of eclectic, idiosyncratic, psychotronic, or otherwise eccentric excursions into world cinema.
Produced amid the aimless hinterland of the United States’ search for Osama Bin Laden, lately depicted in Kathryn Bigelow’s maniacally realist “Zero Dark Thirty,” this farcical comedy from agent provocateur Uwe Boll, who once went head-to-head in a series of boxing matches with critics vocal about this film and others, is a trashy, irreverent, and at times reprehensible treatment of post-9/11 America. Boll’s public persona preserves the brash confrontation of another German director, Werner Herzog, without the artistry or the credentials. What we’re left with in art’s stead is a spat of video game adaptations funded on the German government’s dime, a strange man, his inexplicably and stubbornly terrible output, and what some might see as a refreshingly offensive take on the United States and the legacy of its War on Terror. Or not.