Launch Party!

UGA Arts Collaborative Launch Party
Wednesday, October 23 from 5:30-7:30 PM
The Athenaeum, 287 W Broad St.

The Arts Collaborative is a collective resource for UGA faculty, students, staff, and community members to foster creative, collaborative projects and advanced research in the arts, with the aim to increase opportunities for creative collaboration at UGA and beyond. Through the Willson Center, the Arts Collaborative is a research cluster supported by the Office of Research.

Nkululeko Zungu, Arts Collaborative Research Affiliate and doctoral candidate in Music

Please join us for the official launch and celebration of the UGA Arts Collaborative, hosted by the Willson Center for Humanities and Arts. The event will feature food, drink, welcoming remarks, and a chance to gather in community with creative practitioners and collaborators.

The event begins at 5:30 PM with remarks at 6 PM from Mark Callahan and David Saltz, artistic and executive directors of the Arts Collaborative; graduate students Maddy Underwood and Nkululeko Zungu; Anna Stenport, Dean of the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences; and Chris King, Interim Vice President for Research.

Dr. Anna Stenport, Dean of Franklin College of Arts and Sciences

Dr. Chris King, Interim Vice President for Research

Maddy Underwood, Graduate Assistant in Interdisciplinary Arts Research, MFA student in Art

David Saltz and Launch Party attendees