Peter Lunenfeld

Peter Lunenfeld Visiting Artist Lecture
Tuesday, November 14th at 5:30 PM
Room 101 of the Student Learning Center

The Mediawork Project: What Kinds of Texts, Images, and Interactions Do Visual Intellectuals
Need in a Networked Age?

This image rich and interactive presentation of the Mediawork Project from the MIT Press by Editorial Director Peter Lunenfeld addresses the emergence of visual intellectuals – people simultaneously making, pondering, and commenting on culture, but in a way that doesn’t always begin with words. We all understand that digital tools and information technology networks contribute to this trend. The question is how to develop strategies to make the dissemination of critical thinking and informed opinion both more seductive and more rigorous for geeks and technophobes alike, to matter to artists and designers on the one side and art historians and literary theorists on the other, and to resonate with MBAs who want to do good while they are doing well, and scientists who strive to engineer our way out of problems we have already created.

Peter Lunenfeld Discussion
Wednesday, November 15 at 10:30 AM
Room 129 of the Visual Arts Building

All are welcome to a follow-up discussion with Dr. Lunenfeld, hosted by with Mark Callahan, Assistant Director of ICE.

Peter is a critic and theorist of digital media. He is a professor in the graduate Media Design Program at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California, director of the Institute for Technology and Aesthetics (ITA), and founder of mediawork: The Southern California New Media Group. His books include USER:InfoTechnoDemo, Snap to Grid, and The Digital Dialectic. He is the editorial director of the highly designed Mediawork pamphlet series for the MIT Press. These award-wining “theoretical fetish objects” cover the intersections of art, design, technology, and market culture.