Reading Room: EmcArts Adaptive Arts Leadership Resources

EmcArts Adaptive Arts Leadership Resources

EmcArts’ new online services offer personal reinforcement for your role as a leader, and support for your team or organization to move forward in complexity and confusion.

Over the next two months, we’re offering a variety of free opportunities for individual and organizational support, specifically aimed at helping you move out of disorder and respond meaningfully and adaptively to your situation. Through providing weekly online articles, virtual “office hours,” weekly online sessions, and facilitated network-building, we hope to provide you with the tools you need.

EmcArts Inc. is a social enterprise for learning and innovation in the arts. We serve as a nonprofit intermediary for many arts funders, and as a service organization for the arts field around innovation. We exist to strengthen the capacities and effectiveness of nonprofit arts and cultural organizations, serving their needs in the design and management of innovative change, and assisting them in building their adaptive capacity.