Elliott Earls Residency

ICE is pleased to announce a special week-long event with visiting artist Elliott Earls.

First session: Monday, October 15 at 3 p.m.
ICE Studio, Tanner Building room 101

Students from all disciplines are invited to participate in a workshop with Elliott Earls beginning Monday at 3 p.m. at ICE. Earls will screen scenes from his feature length film in progress “The Saranay Motel” and discuss the project with students. After discussion, willing interdisciplinary participants will be broken into small teams to collaborate on creating a scene for the film. The scene potentially will include original music, motion graphics, acting, props and set design.

Public Lecture
Tuesday, October 16 at 5:30 p.m.
Student Learning Center Room 102
Free and open to the public.

In a world gone mad with fundamentalism, fascism and fear, Elliott Earls attempts to draw parallels between the artists of the post World War I avant-garde and the present day. Utilizing his own work as a springboard for discussion, Earls highlights the critical and timely relevance of the work of German artist John Heartfield, and discusses an interdisciplinary approach to work. In a presentation replete with motion graphics, experimental film clips and music, Earls outlines a potential role for the contemporary artist that draws inspiration from the bravery of Heartfield. Earls also discusses his approach to integrating performance, music, objects and graphics into a unified and cohesive body of work.

Performance and Film Screening
Thursday, October 18
Ciné, 234 W. Hancock Ave. in downtown Athens

Performances at 8 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
$5.00 or $2.00 with student ID
Advance tickets available at Cine box office, (706) 353-3343

Film screening at 8 p.m.
Free and open to the public.

The work of UGA visiting artist Elliott Earls will be featured in a special evening of events at Ciné, downtown Athens’ art house theater and cafe, on Thursday, October 18. Earls will perform two live sets in a program entitled “Excerpts from The Saranay Motel” and screen digital video from “Catfish” and his current work in progress, “The Saranay Motel”.

In May of 2002, Earls, in association with Emigre Inc. released “Catfish”, a 55-minute film on DVD. “Catfish” traces Earls work from the lab to the stage in a highly manipulated digital film incorporating, animation, stop motion photography, drawing, typography and live action into a seamless performance documentary. “The Saranay Motel”, begun in late 2005, is a work in progress comprised of four basic elements: a feature length digital film, art objects, a performance piece, and music.

Departmental Colloquium
Friday, October 19 at 12:20 p.m.
Room 53, Fine Arts Building
Free and open to the public.

Earls will discuss his career as a performance artist in a Theatre and Film Studies departmental colloquium.

Elliott Earls: Selected work from “Bull and Wounded Horse” and “The Saranay Motel”
Opening Reception: October 19, from 6 – 8 p.m.
Main Gallery
Visual Arts Building
Free and open to the public.

Objects accompany all of Earls’ work along with his music, performance, and posters, he creates works of substantial materials and finishes. On exhibition at Lamar Dodd School of Art Main Gallery will be artifacts from the processes of his two most recent projects, “Bull and Wounded Horse”, which incorporates traditional media, including two bronze busts, and “The Saranay Motel”, from which Earls exhibits large digital photographs.

About Elliott Earls
Elliott Earls first gained international recognition as a designer of digital typography in the 1990s and expanded his practice to include one-person performances utilizing interactive technology of his own design, earning a prestigious Emerging Artist Grant from
The Wooster Group in New York. In 1995, Earls formed the Apollo Program, a studio devoted to experimentation with nonlinear digital video, spoken word poetry, music composition and design. Earls’ work has been shown in exhibitions and festivals around the world, and is featured in the permanent collection of the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, Smithsonian Institution. In 2001, Earls was appointed designer-in-residence and head of the 2-D Design Department at Cranbrook Academy of Art in Bloomfield Hills, Mich. While at Cranbrook his artistic practice has continued to broaden by using film production as a method to generate digital photography, sculpture, paintings, and the music of his band, The Venomous Sons of Jonah.

The Elliott Earls Residency is supported by the Willson Center for Humanities and Arts, Lamar Dodd School of Art Visiting Artist and Scholar Series, Lamar Dodd School of Art Galleries, Department of Theatre and Film Studies, Ideas for Creative Exploration (ICE), and Ciné.

For more information about Earls, visit http://www.theapolloprogram.com.