ICE-Vision: Memories of Underdevelopment

2 Sept. 10 - Memories of Underdevelopment (Alea, 1968) Cuba

ICE-Vision: Memories of Underdevelopment (Alea, Cuba 1968)
Thursday, September 10 at 6 PM
Lamar Dodd School of Art Room S150

Seen your share of European and American cinema? Want to check out films from the other 85% of the world’s population? Join philosophy major Thomas Finan as he explores movies produced outside of the Western canon.

Revolutionary filmaking in the truest sense, Memories of Underdevelopment is Tomas Guitierrez Alea’s examination of life in post-Castro Cuba. The film’s protagonist, Sergio Mendoyo, is a member of the island bourgeoisie and has refused to flee the country with his friends and family after the Bay of Pigs. We get a first person view of Sergio’s detached and alienated psyche as he thinks to himself about the past and the socio-economic circumstances of his present.