Marcos Novak

Marcos Novak will visit the Lamar Dodd School of Art at UGA from Nov. 26-28. Novak who refers to his virtual reality art-works, as “liquid architecture and navigable music,” will also present a lecture on Nov. 27 at 5:30 p.m. at the M. Smith Griffith Auditorium at the Georgia Museum of Art. His lecture is sponsored by the School of Art and open and free to the public. Novak is a transarchitect: an architect, artist, composer, and theorist who employs algorithmic techniques to design actual, virtual and hybrid intelligent environments. He uses computer algorithmic techniques to “compose” architecture: four-dimensional architecture, which moves around in space, shifting color and form. Novak, and all other participants of the Artist/Scholar series, conduct workshops for students and meet with faculty members during their 3-5 day residencies at the University of Georgia. In addition to his lecture and workshops with the School of Art, Novak will also participate in a Digital Brown Bag session with the University’s New Media Institute on Thurs. Nov. 29 from 12:30 p.m. until 1:20 pm. A weekly gathering of UGA students, faculty and staff as well as local artists, businesses and government officials, these brown bag discussions are free and open to the public.