Torrance Lecture and Mini-Conference

How the Arts Improve Health & Wellbeing: A mini-conference
Monday, October 21 from 3 – 6:30 PM
Tuesday, October 22 from 10 AM – 2 PM

2024 Annual Torrance Lecture: Nigel Osborne
Tuesday, October 22 at 4 PM
The Chapel

Join us for an exciting two-day event featuring a diverse lineup of speakers from UGA and the Athens community, exploring the theme “How the Arts Improve Health & Wellbeing.” Registration is FREE and open to everyone!

This engaging mini-conference is organized by Anna Abraham, Director of the Torrance Center for Creativity, and precedes the center’s 2024 Annual Torrance Lecture featuring Nigel Osborne.

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Nkululeko Zungu

Nkululeko Zungu
2024-2025 UGA Arts Collaborative Research Affiliate

The UGA Arts Collaborative is pleased to recognize Nkululeko Zungu as a 2024-2025 Research Affiliate. Nkululeko’s creative practice exemplifies the Arts Collaborative mission and builds on his previous participation in the Graduate Assistantships in Interdisciplinary Arts Research program.

Nkululeko Zungu is a graduate candidate at UGA where his studies focus on contemporary writing styles in composition. He finds pleasure in exploring music from traditional Classical to modern Electronic and can be heard writing with the frame of mind, “Let me not, no, just add to the noise. Let me harmonize to the silence.” He collaborated with groundbreaking composers like Pulitzer Prize recipient Kate Soper, Dr. Ken Ueno, and saw contemporary ensembles perform his music, including the Wet Ink Ensemble. Nkululeko appreciates combining his writing practice with performing his works in unconventional settings, as seen in his performance at the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery’s Dome Theater and the Georgia Museum of Art. He has been described by Dr. Hendrik Hofmeyr, South Africa’s most performed Classical music composer, as “an artist who created from within combining all aspects of his life.” He prides himself on being a well-rounded artist.

For more about Nkululeko, visit:

Welcome Fall 2024

Welcome to a new semester at UGA! If this is your first visit to the UGA Arts Collaborative website, please take a few moments to explore and learn about some of the current and past projects and events. You may be interested in joining the Arts Collaborative listserv, a newsletter with local events and opportunities in the arts.

Please also welcome our new recipients of Graduate Assistantships in Interdisciplinary Arts Research: Maddy Underwood (Art), Richie Arndorfer (Music), and Amir Akbarpour (Theatre and Film Studies). These exceptional graduate students will develop creative research and collaborative work across disciplines with faculty, students, and community members.

Reading Room: SNAAP Report

Arts and Design Alumni Employment and Perspectives on Their Work and Careers

The upheavals of the last few years within higher education and the labor force have catalyzed leaders in arts and design postsecondary education to question assumptions within their institutions about “what it means to be embarking on a career and life” in arts and design today (Novak-Leonard, Dempster, Scotto Adams, & Walters, 2022, p. 9). Ultimately, the questions being raised seek to better understand what constitutes “success” for alumni and who is determining those terms of success in the current, evolving contexts of education and work.

2024 a2ru National Conference

2024 a2ru National Conference
“Generate | Integrate: Technology, the Arts, and Design”
November 14-16
Rochester Institute of Technology

As an a2ru member institution, UGA students, faculty, and staff are eligible for discounted registration.

Join us for this year’s gathering of the a2ru community and learn about the latest in arts-integrative teaching, research and practice!

Technology, in its many evolving forms, has always played a significant role in the arts and design, impacting both process and product. At RIT, this year’s conference host, the university’s T/A\D (Technology/The Arts\Design) initiative positions the intersection of these fields as “the meaningful partnership of diverse ways of thinking, exploring, and making to address complex contemporary problems, advance knowledge, and pursue joy and wonder.” The three major thematic areas of the T/A\D initiative are “Solving humanity’s complex problems,” “Storytelling through enhanced realities,” and “Exploring new grounds in visual communication and imaging.”

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Creativity and Collaboration

Creativity and Collaboration
Fall 2024 GradFIRST Seminar

Open to first-year graduate students

Creativity and collaboration are fundamental to addressing today’s socio-environmental challenges. This seminar will include arts-based, STEM-friendly activities developed by UGA researchers from the arts, humanities, and sciences designed to help students to think creatively, to collaborate across disciplines, and to work with people with different perspectives, knowledge, and values. It will be an engaging and fun way to enhance the creativity that you bring to your own graduate work and your capacity to effectively participate in collaborative teams.

Facilitator: Mark Callahan (UGA Arts Collaborative)

3-3:50 PM