Thinc-a-thon: Redesigning the Home
Saturday, March 29th from 10:30 AM-8 PM
The first Thinc-a-thon was a success! You can check out pictures and videos of the presentations here:
Are you interested in working on diverse teams to create new innovations for the home? Spend the day designing solutions to make the “home” more usable, efficient, and fun with fellow UGA students from various backgrounds. Come experience the joys of design thinking, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Join us for a fun, hands-on day of experiencing evidence-centered design, ideation, prototyping and business model development.
Prizes will be awarded for the best ideas, prototypes, and business plans. Meals and snacks will be provided. Play with the latest technology including Google Glass, MakeyMakey, Arudino, Estimote Beacons, and more! This event is free and spaces are limited! We’re looking for students from all levels (undergraduate and graduate) and backgrounds.
Organized by the What IF? Innovation Network and supported in part by Ideas for Creative Exploration (ICE).
The What I.F.? (Innovation Fellows) club seeks to use design thinking and lean startup techniques to tackle real world problems while also promoting innovation and entrepreneurial thinking on campus through speakers, workshops, and projects.