ICE-Vision: You the Living (Roy Andersson, 2007)
Wednesday, October 17 at 8 PM
Lamar Dodd School of Art Room S150
ICE-Vision continues with Film Studies major Daniel LoPilato’s weekly selections of eclectic, idiosyncratic, psychotronic, or otherwise eccentric excursions into world cinema.
Roy Andersson’s masterful vignette film “You, the Living” is a bleak tapestry of comic human misery. Composed of sketches loosely related to one another, the film is a flat, immaculately framed and executed slapstick comedy which takes existential angst as its starting point. Its logical center is an endless traffic jam; an emotion-less sex act lasts seemingly for hours; a cab driver dreams of capital punishment for a botched dinner trick. Andersson’s camera is both ruthless and sympathetic, static yet dynamic. Its cast of non-actors, bloated and pale, have an uncanny and sarcastic pallor to them, as if constantly reminding the viewer, “Yes, you really look like this.” J. R. Jones of the Chicago Reader asks, “I laughed so hard it hurt – or was it the other way around?”
Next week… Institute Benjamenta, (Stephen and Timothy Quay, 1995)